Water guideline
Water is a vital resource and key to human well-being. LEG Immobilien SE relies on a high-quality freshwater supply for the provision of water, sanitation, hygiene and installation services that must be constantly available across the portfolio to all tenants, employees and visitors.
LEG's portfolio is located solely in Germany, where strict drinking water standards are legally prescribed and there is a comprehensive water treatment system. In addition, Germany has abundant freshwater reservoirs, particularly in LEG's core regions.
LEG Immobilien SE is aware of the crucial importance of water to the attainment of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the United Nations. The private sector in particular plays a major role in meeting the water-related challenges that humankind now has to face and will have to face in the future. That is why the company has set itself the goals of protection and sustainable use of freshwater resources in our buildings and open spaces.
For this reason, LEG is committed to the following:
- Compliance with water-related German legislation and voluntary standards
- Regular analysis, monitoring, inspection and sustainable management of water quality in our portfolio (compliance with the German Drinking Water Ordinance)
- Informing tenants on sustainable use of water (LEG Group tenants' manual)
- Promoting sustainable innovations along our value chains that help to preserve freshwater resources and safeguard water quality.
We are aware that the lessor can only have a limited influence on water consumption in the operation of residential buildings. Tenants are responsible for determining their own water consumption. Nevertheless, we aim to support and promote resource-efficient use of water with our measures.
In addition, we inspect our buildings and open spaces with regard to changed climatic conditions, e.g. bursts of heavy rain. In construction projects, rainwater management – geared towards the respective local conditions – includes the use of backflow prevention devices, roof greening to absorb large volumes of water, drainage ditches or infiltration wells.

Düsseldorf, Germany, Autumn 2021
(Validity confirmed in Autumn 2024 - Next policy review in 2025)