Resource-saving serial refurbishment of existing buildings
Reduce costs, time and materials, increase CO2-Einsparung rauf – so lautet das Motto von RENOWATE. Davon profitieren alle: Mieter, Vermieter und unsere gesamte Branche.

RENOWATE is a joint venture between LEG Immobilien SE and the Austrian Rhomberg Bau GmbH founded at the end of 2021. The joint venture specialises in the energy-efficient refurbishment and modernisation of residential properties and offers customised solutions for housing companies in the DACH region. In the process, RENOWATE uses laser scanning technology to create a so-called digital twin of existing buildings. In this way, the new building envelope can be prefabricated industrially, independent of location. The large-scale façade end sections are then attached to the building to be renovated in the next step. In addition, the complete technical building equipment (TGA) as well as the roof area are renovated.
The construction time is therefore only a fraction of that of a conventional renovation. The residents benefit from significantly lower energy bills. Another advantage is that no tenant has to leave their own flat during the entire project. In addition to RENOWATE, LEG is testing other possibilities of serial refurbishment with various building partners in the Reallabor in Mönchengladbach. The projects are based on the so-called Energiesprong principle (flanked by the German Energy Agency dena).
Die Vorteile
The innovative laser scanning technology is cost-efficient and effective. The creation of the digital twin of existing buildings is the first step in energy retrofitting and is completed in a very short time.
The digital measurement and installation of the prefabricated façade elements is fast and efficient. During the entire duration of the project, no tenant has to leave their flat for the energy refurbishment.
The new building envelope is prefabricated industrially, independent of location. This saves costs, resources and time compared to conventional refurbishment.
While conventional refurbishment involves a great deal of planning and usually the commissioning of various companies and providers, RENOWATE offers a quick and economical solution for the overall energy refurbishment project.
Digital laser scanning technology makes it possible to work exactly to measure. This means that the building elements can be tailored exactly to the existing building in question. In this way, unnecessary waste of material is prevented.
RENOWATE - Energetisch. Effizient. Erneuern.

Lars von Lackum, CEO LEG Immobilien SE
"We urgently need serial, digitalised solutions for the energy modernisation of existing buildings ..."

Lars von Lackum, CEO LEG Immobilien SE
"We urgently need serial, digitalised solutions for the energy modernisation of existing buildings ..."
"We urgently need serial, digitalised solutions for the energy modernisation of existing buildings, otherwise we will not be able to achieve the targeted climate neutrality in the building sector by 2045. That's why, as Germany's second-largest housing company, we are happy to do a bit of pioneering work for the entire industry."
Hubert Rhomberg, Eigentümervertreter der Rhomberg Bau Gruppe
„... we will refurbish buildings in series and thus quickly, cost-effectively, resource-efficiently and to a high standard of energy efficie

Hubert Rhomberg, Eigentümervertreter der Rhomberg Bau Gruppe
„... we will refurbish buildings in series and thus quickly, cost-effectively, resource-efficiently and to a high standard of energy efficie
"Building on a digital building twin, we will refurbish buildings in series and thus quickly, cost-effectively, resource-efficiently and to a high standard of energy efficiency."
Dr. Volker Wiegel, COO LEG Immobilien SE
"With Renowate, we can really make the world a little better ..."

Dr. Volker Wiegel, COO LEG Immobilien SE
"With Renowate, we can really make the world a little better ..."
"With Renowate, we can really make the world a little better. I am incredibly happy to have found a highly innovative partner in Rhomberg-Bau who shares our values and is therefore a perfect match for us: climate protection out of conviction, the courage to disrupt through digitalisation and customer focus.“
Daniel Sieveke, State Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Building & Digitalisation of the State of North Rhine-Westph.
"Serial energy-efficient refurbishment is of crucial importance in order to be able to achieve the climate targets ..."

Daniel Sieveke, State Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Building & Digitalisation of the State of North Rhine-Westph.
"Serial energy-efficient refurbishment is of crucial importance in order to be able to achieve the climate targets ..."
"Serial energy-efficient refurbishment is of crucial importance in order to be able to achieve the climate targets in the building sector. Different innovative serial renovation concepts are currently being tested at full speed and valuable practical experience is being gathered. It is important that all those involved pull together and learn from each other. The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia thus welcomes today's exchange between the housing industry, construction companies and the Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) at the provider Renowate to promote the scaling of serial renovation solutions.
Felix Heinrichs, Lord Mayor of the city of Mönchengladbach
"I am very pleased about the completion of the first serial renovation project by ..."

Felix Heinrichs, Lord Mayor of the city of Mönchengladbach
"I am very pleased about the completion of the first serial renovation project by ..."
"I am very pleased about the completion of the first serial renovation project by LEG and Rhomberg Bau. RENOWATE shows new ways in which climate protection in the building sector can work efficiently, quickly and in a tenant-friendly way. Further pilot projects on our urban territory are to follow. We are very supportive of this, and it once again underlines our profile as a location for energy transition and climate protection."
RENOWATE Speed in real life
Renowate projects
Serial refurbishment at a glance - step by step to decarbonised housing stock:
Johannes Brunn and Andreas Miltz
Press releases
20.07.2022 | Renowate GmbH startet serielle Sanierung in Mönchengladbach
08.09.2022 | Weg vom Gaspreisschock mit seriellem Sanieren
21.06.2023 | Gewinn für den Klimaschutz: Seriensiege für serielle Sanierung
11.12.2023 | RENOWATE setzt erfolgreichen Klimaschutz in Serie am Standort Soest fort
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