TSP - TechnikServicePlus GmbH
We are passionate craftsmen, work as a team and are real caretakers: With more than 470 employees and over 350 subcontractors working for us, we are one of the largest craftsmen's companies in NRW and exclusively handle minor repairs management on the buildings and in the apartments owned by LEG, one of the largest landlords in NRW and one of Germany's leading listed housing companies.
Our nearly 350 fitters – plant fitters, electricians, carpenters, painters, roofers and all-rounders – are in action for LEG’s tenants around 250,000 times a year. We are available 24/7 to ensure safety and satisfaction. Our equipment, craftsmanship and work processes keep us at the cutting edge of technology. We are always continuing our education and are a training company by conviction. Since our establishment in 2017, our business volume and scope of services have been growing steadily. With a strong team effort, we are shaping the future of our company together, are family-friendly, enjoy our work and offer our employees attractive and reliable working conditions in addition to a market-oriented compensation.
We, TechnikServicePlus GmbH, or TSP for short, are a joint venture between LEG Immobilien SE and B&O Service AG, headquartered in Düsseldorf. LEG holds 51 percent and B&O 49 percent of our shares. Our managing directors are Mathias Meyer from LEG and Sebastian Schöller from B&O.
Die LEG Immobilien SE
Sustainable, reliable and with a regional presence: As the market leader in one of Europe’s largest metropolitan regions, LEG’s leading management expertise is based on a detailed knowledge of the markets in North Rhine-Westphalia and proximity to its customers.
LEG is a reliable landlord for around 400,000 residents in some 145,000 apartments, offering differentiated services and an attractive price level. LEG is continuing to systematically pursue its growth strategy with the acquisition of selected portfolios.
LEG Immobilien SE has been listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since the start of February 2013 and in the MDAX since June 2013.
B&O plans, constructs and renovates affordable housing with traditional craftsmanship and innovative technology. In addition to maintenance and renovation work, B&O provides companies from the housing industry with specially developed yet highly standardised solutions for modernisation at end of tenancy and during occupancy. B&O currently works on behalf of private and municipal housing companies throughout Germany as a full-service provider for more than 600,000 apartments.
Originally formed more than 60 years ago as a trade services company, the B&O Group’s other pillars are construction, housing modernisation and technology. Its construction activities focus on innovative solutions for affordable housing, such as building above car parks, adding storeys to existing buildings, and the serial construction of wooden and hybrid houses. In the area of modernisation, the B&O Group is an innovator and modernises up to 10,000 apartments every year. Its core expertise is renovating and modernising properties that are occupied by tenants. Thanks to the magicplan application it acquired in 2016, which uses augmented reality technology to record floor plans, B&O is playing a pioneering role within the industry and helping its customers to sustainably optimise their trade service processes.
B&O has its head office in Bad Aibling and has more than 2,500 employees and 34 locations throughout Germany.